About me

I grew up in Arizona (USA), went to graduate school in California, becoming a psychologist, spent time as a professional poker player and writer, and ultimately settled into research and writing concerning global ecological issues and their deep past origins.

As might be expected I generally take an analytical approach to things, often gravitating toward the scientific research literature to dig for the truth.

Looking for a way to address PD effectively has required me to apply that approach outside my usual comfort zone, to consider that humans may have discovered some important health-related truths outside the scientific literature of the Western medical establishment, assessing carefully the substance of alternative treatment approaches. One result is this blog.

More generally, PD has been for me a kind of launch pad for emotional and spiritual growth. For it is such growth the JWH treatment approach can encourage. In that sense, I increasingly view PD as an opportunity rather than a setback.

I'm fortunate to have an amazing wife, two incredible daughters, and a wonderful dog, Poppy, all of whom inspire me and teach me about love every day.

John Feeney